Vintage, a fun, responsible and affordable solution!

With Maison Géant, I could have suggested that you dress your kids in current second-hand clothes, but I decided to select vintage pieces. Because here, vintage is a true love story. To begin with, I have always liked to hunt for gems in order to dress myself in quality, almost unique clothes at a lower cost. So it was only natural that I did the same thing for my kid. And it is with pleasure that I share my passion with you by offering you vintage clothing for children at Maison Géant !

And if you are still wondering about the advantages of dressing in pieces that are more than 20 years old, I invite you to read the rest of this article to discover all their advantages.

vintage children's clothing store

Discover our vintage selection

Quality, well-made parts at a reduced price

Because vintage defines pieces that were manufactured more than 20 years ago, they were often designed in conditions very different from our current production methods. Vintage is the opportunity to offer you pieces that stand the test of time, often made in France, in smaller quantities. Clothes that have been produced in a more artisanal way with more attention to detail. And vintage is also the opportunity to benefit from much higher quality than what you can currently find in brands that offer similar prices!

Trendy and sharp looks

Vintage is the opportunity to wear pieces with a fun and confident design. And to build a creative wardrobe, just like our kids, there's nothing better! The colors of the 80s, the cuts of the 70s, the preppy style of the 60s, the looks of the 90s and the trends of the 2000s, all this creates a mix of inspirations that brings originality and pep to the wardrobe of our children. And as we know, fashion is a cycle and trends come back so what was cool yesterday is still cool today!

Vintage denim clothing for children

Almost unique pieces to assert your style

Choosing vintage clothing means ensuring you are wearing a rare piece. Because the clothes were produced in smaller quantities and copies could have been lost over the years. The models that I offer are therefore almost impossible to find elsewhere. And it’s a real guarantee of originality for kids to assert their look in the playground!

A wardrobe that respects the planet and people

The magic thing about vintage is that the pieces already exist. So we don't need to produce new ones and that's great for the planet! When we know that the textile industry is one of the most polluting in the world and the least respectful of people, we want to do things differently. Producing new materials can therefore compromise the future of our children, while choosing vintage means guaranteeing them a greener and more respectful world. And it’s also an opportunity to pass on ecological and human values ​​to them!

selection of vintage children's clothing

Discover our vintage selection

So you will have understood, vintage at Maison Géant is more than a love story. It's a real solution for those who want to dress kids in cool and responsible pieces at a lower cost. Quality and style at the price of fast fashion brands, what more could you ask for?

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